Title Enhanced surveillance of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Europe: an evaluation of the I-MOVE-COVID-19 surveillance network /
Authors Young, Johanna J ; Mutch, Heather ; Rose, Angela M C ; Evans, Josie M M ; McMenamin, Jim ; Murray, Josie ; Machado, Ausenda ; Rodrigues, Ana Paula ; Kislaya, Irina ; Gefenaite, Giedre ; Kuliešė, Monika ; Jančorienė, Ligita ; Kubiliūtė, Ieva ; Jonikaitė, Indrė ; Vaikutytė, Roberta ; Zablockienė, Birutė ; Mickienė, Auksė ; Larrauri, Amparo ; Mazagatos, Clara ; Demuyser, Thomas ; Van Nedervelde, Els ; Seyler, Lucie ; Lazar, Mihaela ; Galtier, Florence ; Vanhems, Philippe
DOI 10.1093/eurpub/ckad185
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Is Part of European journal of public health.. Oxford : Oxford University Press (OUP). 2024, vol. 34, iss. 1, p. 181-189.. ISSN 1101-1262. eISSN 1464-360X
Abstract [eng] A pre-existing, well-established European influenza surveillance network known as I-MOVE enabled the rapid implementation of a European multi-country COVID-19 hospital surveillance network for surveillance of hospitalized COVID-19 cases in early 2020. This network included 257 hospitals in 11 surveillance sites across nine countries. We aimed to identify whether the surveillance objectives were relevant to public health actions, whether the surveillance system met its objectives, where and how shortcomings could be improved, and whether the system was sustainable.
Published Oxford : Oxford University Press (OUP)
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
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