Title Periodonto ligų diagnozavimas: dantinės ataugos pokyčių analizė, taikant skirtingus rentgeninio tyrimo metodus /
Translation of Title Alveolar bone loss in radiographic modalities for diagnosis of periodontal diseases.
Authors Ivanauskaitė, Deimantė
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Pages 78
Keywords [eng] Panoramic radiography ; bitewing radiography ; alveolar bone loss ; visual grading analysis ; observer performance
Abstract [eng] Radiographic modalities are used in addition to clinical methods to gain information about the patients. In the examination of the periodontium, which is comprised of the gingiva, alveolar bone, periodontal ligament, and cementum, the radiographic examination plays an integral role for diagnosis of periodontal disease. The diagnosis periodontitis is based on a finding of alveolar bone loss. Changes of the alveolar bone can be assessed by different radiographic modalities, such as intraoral radiography (bitewing and periapical radiography) and panoramic radiography. Analysis of alveolar bone loss (alveolar bone level, detection of vertical bone defect and furcation involvement) in radiographic modalities and a systematic review could be helpful to suggest the more applicable radiographic methods for diagnosis of periodontal disease. The purpose of the present study was to examine diagnostic properties of panoramic radiography for the assessment of alveolar bone loss for the diagnosis of periodontal diseases as compare to posterior bitewing radiography. For 96 patients panoramic and posterior bitewing radiographs were performed and results of analysis of visibility of radiographic images and assessment of alveolar bone loss were compared. Also, the systematic review on diagnostic properties of panoramic radiography in the assessment of alveolar bone loss was performed. Based on the results of this study, recommendations for clinical practice and for research were proposed.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011