Title Euro zonos plėtros politinė ekonomija: asimetrijos ir holistinis požiūris /
Translation of Title Political Economy of the Euro Area Enlargement: Asymmetry and Holistic Viewpoint.
Authors Dulkys, Arūnas
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Pages 240
Keywords [eng] asymmetry ; euro area ; European Monetary Union ; holism ; public goods
Abstract [eng] The scientific study explores the European Monetary Union development and the asymmetry problems of the euro area enlargement as well as the reasons of their origin. The following aim of the scientific study is to prove the critical systematic influence of different asymmetries on the euro area enlargement. For the first time, an effort is made to perceive the mission of the euro area from the viewpoint of meeting the public’s needs and increasing the awareness of the euro area as of a public good. The analysis carried out by the author proves that the comparative weight of anti-economy in the current European Union economy increases due to poor use of public goods and that the functioning of the euro area in just a part of the European Union is a dangerous manifestation of anti-economy, which should be analysed deeper. Thus, though being a product of objective integration processes, the euro area may function not only as a public good, but also as a public bad, while its construction may also be anti-economic. Author concludes, the existing standards of the legal regulation of the euro area should be modified since currently they prevent the member states from using all the benefits of the European Monetary Union as a public good. The legal regulation, which establishes the existence of the euro area and non-euro area inside the European Monetary Union, should be revised this way enabling the achievement of all the objectives of the European Monetary Union. According to the author, the holistic idea of European integration cannot be implemented by actions and decisions based on the individualistic worldview.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2010