Title Algebraic development of many-body perturbation theory in theoretical atomic spectroscopy /
Translation of Title Algebrinis daugiadalelės trikdžių teorijos plėtojimas teorinėje atomo spektroskopijoje.
Authors Juršėnas, Rytis
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Pages 101
Keywords [eng] function space ; irreducible tensor operator ; symmetric group ; second quantisation ; many-body perturbation theory
Abstract [eng] The principal goals of the thesis are subjected to general methods and forms of effective operators by the nowadays demands of theoretical application of many-body perturbation theory to atomic physics. The present theoretical research follows up step by step by systematic observation of various possibilities to restrict the Fock space operators to their irreducible subspaces and the classification of irreducible tensor operators which represent the physical as well as the effective interactions. To ground the results of the thesis, the symbolic preparation of obtained expressions is strictly proved mathematically. Most of the main results are listed in theorems. The doctoral dissertation contains 101 pages, 5 sections, 4 appendices, 40 tables and 9 figures. The main results described in the present dissertation have been published in journals of physical and mathematical sciences.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2010