Title Building a ‘Green Data’ future: how a human-centric approach to data and nudges can help fight climate change /
Authors Fenwick, Mark ; Jurčys, Paulius
DOI 10.1093/jiplp/jpad031
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Is Part of Journal of intellectual property law & practice.. Oxford : Oxford University Press. 2023, vol. 18, no. 5, p. 386-396.. ISSN 1747-1532. eISSN 1747-1540
Keywords [eng] green data ; future ; climate
Abstract [eng] A defining feature of digital transformation is the sensorization of everything and the concomitant creation of vast amounts of data covering every aspect of social and economic life. It is unfortunate that the value of this vast data pool has not been fully leveraged in tackling climate change and other environmental challenges facing humanity. • This article suggests that this failure is a product of the closed and siloed character of the modern data ecosystem in which some stakeholders deem the collected data as their proprietary asset and have little incentive to share it with those interested in creating new value from such data, including, for example, by developing innovative technologies relevant for tackling climate change. • This article argues that a user-held data model, in which data are reconceptualized as the property of the users who generate it, might better unlock or activate the ‘green value’ of these data and, by doing so, facilitate the creation of innovative green technologies. This paper focuses on three settings where a user-centric approach to data might usefully contribute to achieving these environmental goals, namely, facilitating green lifestyles, fostering sustainability in green cities and building green innovation ecosystems. Based on the foregoing discussion, this article concludes by identifying some normative principles that might be useful to guide regulatory interventions in this context.
Published Oxford : Oxford University Press
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
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