Title Logistical analysis of economic cycles /
Translation of Title Ekonominių ciklų logistinė analizė.
Authors Mackevičius, Ramūnas
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Pages 39
Keywords [eng] Logistical analysis ; economic cycle ; market capacity limitation ; hidden overproduction
Abstract [eng] Dissertation deals with logistical analysis of economic cycles. Aim of the research - to reveal and to determine causes of cyclical economic fluctuations, according to economic logistic theory. Theoretical, logistical and empirical analyses of cyclical economic fluctuations are carried out in the work. Conception of economic cycle is specified. Evaluating provisions of economic logistic theory, two models are created – theoretical logistic economic cycle model and logistic economic system‘s cyclical fluctuation and development research model. In the dissertation the deep causes of economic cycles influencing their formation are revealed. The influence of innovative processes to the market formation, the impact of market capacity limitation to the market heating, saturation, hidden overproduction and to the formation of bubble process are determined. The influence of all the mentioned processes as well as economic paradoxes ((growing profitability paradox and credit trap paradox)) to the formation and working of economic cycle are revealed.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2012