Title Innovative non-invasive technology for intracranial compliance monitoring /
Authors Chaleckas, Edvinas ; Putnynaite, Vilma ; Petkus, Vytautas ; Chomskis, Romanas ; Deimantavicius, Mantas ; Bartusis, Laimonas ; Zakelis, Rolandas ; Hamarat, Yasin ; Lapinskiene, Indre ; Preiksaitis, Aidanas ; Serpytis, Mindaugas ; Rocka, Saulius ; Jovaisa, Tomas ; Ragauskas, Arminas
DOI 10.1016/j.bas.2023.102336
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Is Part of Brain and spine: abstracts of the EANS2023.. Amsterdam : Elsevier. 2023, vol. 3, suppl. 1, art. no. 102336, p. 187.. ISSN 2772-5294
Abstract [eng] Background: Intracranial compliance (ICC) has been studied to add the value for interpretation of intracranial pressure (ICP) in neuro-critical care and to help to personalize treatment decision making. Invasive ICC (iICC) monitoring is possible using real-time analysis of morphology of iICP pulse waves. It has been shown in previous studies that iICC changes have been linked to iICP pulse wave tidal peak‘s (P2) amplitude and upstroke peak‘s (P1) amplitude ratio changes. It has been also demonstrated by analysis of CENTER-TBI study data base that iICP pulse wave shape derived parameters are predictors of mortality after TBI. Such biomarkers were associated with poor outcome in patients with low iICP. Latest studies support the importance of iICP pulse wave form analysis in addition to recording mean iICP. Unfortunately, non-invasive sensors for nICP pulse wave form recording with accuracy and precision needed for clinical practice do not exist. Methods: Novel technology is proposed for nICP pulse wave recording and analysis. Codman invasive sensors were used for iICP pulse wave recordings. Novel non-invasive nICP sensor is gently applied to the closed eye lid of TBI or stroke patients. 6 piglets were included into animal study of novel sensor’s performance. Patients with low, normal and high ICC were included into clinical study. Results: We found that proposed novel technology records nICP pulse waves which highly correlates (R ¼ [0,97;0.99]) with simultaneously recorded iICP pulse waves. Conclusions: Our study shows that proposed technology is able to record nICP pulse waves which highly correlates (R¼[0,97;0.99]) with simultaneously recorded iICP pulse waves. nICC real-time monitoring with clinically needed accuracy and precision is possible by using proposed technology.
Published Amsterdam : Elsevier
Type Conference paper
Language English
Publication date 2023
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