Title Hilfswerk International: The role of an NGO at the interface between science, society, and government in Central Asia /
Translation of Title Hilfswerk International: роль НПО на стыке науки, общества и государства в Центральной Азии.
Translation of Title Hilfswerk International: борбордук Азиядагыилим, коом, жана мамлекеттин байланышында ӨЭУдардын ролу.
Authors Domej, Gisela ; Manolcheva, Stoyanka ; Aslanov, Umed ; Qodirov, Shuhrat
DOI 10.52754/16948688_2023_2(3)_3
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Is Part of Ош мамлекеттик университетинин жарчысы. Химия. Биология. География = Вестник Ошского государственного университета. Химия. Биология. География = Bulletin of Osh state university. Chemistry. Biology. Geography.. Ош : Ошский государственный университет. 2023, no. 2(3), p. 14-32.. eISSN 1694-8688
Keywords [eng] NGO ; agricultural development ; food security and standardization ; SME support ; higher education development ; capacity building ; sustainability
Abstract [eng] Over the last decades, distinct models, strategies, and funding forms have become available for international projects in various sectors. On the academic plane, and particularly in the fields of environmental science and sustainability, project applicants usually face the choice between purely scientific grants or those dedicated, e.g., to social or business development. Very often and paradoxically, this discrepancy has to be overcome already at the stage of a grant application, as many donors require a clear outline of the expected impact of a respective project reaching out to other sectors of application. In this article, we present the Central Asia Mission of the NGO Hilfswerk International and its essential beneficial role for international project implementation between Europe and Central Asia at the interface between science, society, and governments. Its mode of operation over more than 15 years is outlined by the five consecutive economic development projects CANDY I–V and the thereupon-based Erasmus+ projects HECAFS and AgroDev targeting capacity building in higher education systems. All seven projects had a strong focus on agriculture and food security but exemplarily stand for Hilfswerk International's flexible expertise adjustable to other crucial thematics of the near future – i.e., climate change, environmental pollution, water security, etc.
Published Ош : Ошский государственный университет
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2023
CC license CC license description