Title |
Identification of signaling molecules and pathways responsible for myogenic cell survival after cardiotoxic treatments / |
Translation of Title |
Signalinių molekulių ir kelių, apsprendžiančių miogeninių ląstelių išgyvenimą po kardiotoksinių poveikių, identifikavimas. |
Authors |
Baltriukienė, Daiva |
Full Text |
Pages |
30 |
Keywords [eng] |
myogenic cells ; apoptosis ; signaling pathways |
Abstract [eng] |
In this study, there were established the first myogenic stem cell lines derived from adult rabbit skeletal muscle. The study revealed the ability of such cells to be maintained in tissue culture for many months without a decline in proliferation and changes in myogenesis. There have also been performed primary trials of myoblasts transplantation into infarcted rabbit heart and for the first time there was assessed the primary myoblasts sensitivity to potential toxicity in infarcted heart. The results of the apoptotic studies, during which cultured myogenic cells were exposed to various cardiotoxic agents, proved the apoptotic mode of cell death. The role of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and Akt kinase in the myogenic cell apoptosis regulation was evaluated. The data obtained revealed an antiapoptotic action of ERK and p38 MAP kinases. JNK signaling pathways played distinct roles in apoptosis of myogenic cells mediated by different genotoxic agents. c-Jun, a major target for JNK, is implicated in myogenic cell apoptosis triggered by these agents. The data proved the protective role of PI3K/Akt kinase after genotoxic/cardiotoxic treatment. A potential proapoptotic role of PI3K/Akt signaling pathway was unexpectedly revealed after treatment of myogenic cells with DNA damaging drug cisplatin. |
Type |
Summaries of doctoral thesis |
Language |
English |
Publication date |
2009 |