Title Transformation of postcommunist states and their welfare regimes: comparative analysis of Baltic countries /
Translation of Title Pokomunistinių valstybių ir jų gerovės režimų transformacija: Baltijos šalių lyginamoji analizė.
Authors Gudžinskas, Liutauras
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Pages 25
Keywords [eng] welfare regime ; patronage ; healthcare ; Baltic countries
Abstract [eng] This dissertation seeks to evaluate how Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries develop state under the conditions of liberal democracy and membership of the European Union (EU). The issues of quality of democracy and governance of postcommunist states are analysed through lenses of welfare politics. The main attention is paid to Baltic countries. The main method applied in dissertation is a qualitative comparison of several (similar) cases. In the first part of dissertation “middle-range” theories are observed, which allows to understand the general patterns of development of postcommunist countries. Distinction of modern and patronage states is established, which is best seen comparing CEE liberal democracies vis-à-vis postsoviet dictatorships. In the second part of dissertation these general patterns are analysed only at the level of CEE countries. It is established that the distinction of modern and patronage states to some extent also replicates among CEE countries themselves, and also among Baltic countries. By many important parameters indicating the level of state capacities Estonia distinguishes itself from other Baltic countries. In the third part, comparative research is focussed at the maximum. One analyses the development of healthcare – the core welfare policy – in the Baltic region. It is established that there are significant differences among Baltic countries in timing, speed and achieved results of healthcare reforms, which also has important implications for the development of these states.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2012