Title Study of the south-eastern Baltic Sea development applying geological modeling methods /
Translation of Title Pietrytinės Baltijos jūros raidos analizė taikant geologinio modeliavimo metodus.
Authors Šečkus, Jonas
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Pages 150
Keywords [eng] Baltic Sea ; Holocene ; paleogeography ; geological modeling
Abstract [eng] The main subject of the present research is the geological development of the south-eastern Baltic Sea in Holocene (11000 – 0 calendar years before the present) and prediction of its development in the future (0-1000 calendar years after the present). The present is calendar years 2000AD. The working area is estimated between longitude 18ºE - 21º30’E and latitude between 54ºN - 56º30’N including the onshore and offshore of Lithuania. The quantitative and qualitative geological information and the geological interpretation allowed the 4D modeling of the south-eastern Baltic Sea. Detailed comparison of the influence of isostatic and eustatic components has made it possible to distinguish between these two factors and to create the isostatic intensity models. Last investigations of the global sea level rise (IPCC 2001, 2007) and the model of the recent tectonic activity in the region were used for creation of the prognosis scenarios of relief development in the future. The 4D models created in this dissertation are very well understandable for specialists and for wider readership not engaged in scientific research. The results presented in the dissertation can be useful also by archaeologists and biologists. The results of the model show all the drawbacks of geological material collected so far and outline new perspectives for marine geologists, i.e. demonstrate what works should be done in the future to get more precise results.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2009