Abstract [eng] |
The reforms in the system of execution of sentences in Lithuania were determined by the changes in the life of society, market economy, international relationships of Lithuania and membership in international organizations as well as the need to change status and jurisdiction of the system of execution of sentences, make the conditions of execution of sentences of convicted persons more human, to create a more efficient process of integration of convicted persons into society and to effectively administrate the funds allocated to the system of execution of sentences. The former closed system of Soviet correctional institutions no longer complied with the standards of execution of sentences in the European countries, it did not ensure the right to exercise the basic human rights and freedoms, minimal regulations of treatment of imprisoned persons. The most recent phase of the reform of the Lithuanian legal system, together with the system of execution of sentences is the coming into force of the new criminal laws on May 1, 2003. Upon preparing the new Penal Code of the Republic of Lithuania and the Penal Executional Code of the Republic of Lithuania was implemented following the principles laid down in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, in the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, in the regulations of European imprisonment institutions. During the reform of the system of execution of sentences execution of the sentence of imprisonment was paid a lot of attention to. Statistical data shows that long-term imprisonment is still often characteristic of Lithuania. Such a situation raises doubts concerning the efficiency of the sentence of imprisonment itself. This impelled to carry out a more detailed analysis of the system of execution of sentences (the analyzed period covers the period after the coming into effect of the said Codes). The aim of the paper is to reveal the concept of imprisonment and to define its purpose. The first part of the work is allocated for that. The second part of the paper analyzes the problems of execution of imprisonment. This is achieved through analysis of individual aspects of execution of imprisonment – the mode of imprisonment sentence; work of the imprisoned persons; general education and professional training of the convicted individuals; social rehabilitation of the convicted and social adaptation of the persons released from prison. |