Title Interim 2023/24 influenza A vaccine effectiveness: VEBIS European primary care and hospital multicentre studies, September 2023 to January 2024 /
Authors Maurel, Marine ; Howard, Jennifer ; Kissling, Esther ; Pozo, Francisco ; Pérez-Gimeno, Gloria ; Buda, Silke ; Sève, Noémie ; McKenna, Adele ; Meijer, Adam ; Rodrigues, Ana Paula ; Martínez-Baz, Iván ; Mlinarić, Ivan ; Latorre-Margalef, Neus ; Túri, Gergő ; Lazăr, Mihaela ; Mazagatos, Clara ; Echeverria, Aitziber ; Abela, Stephen ; Bourgeois, Marc ; Machado, Ausenda ; Dürrwald, Ralf ; Petrović, Goranka ; Oroszi, Beatrix ; Jančorienė, Ligita ; Marin, Alexandru ; Husa, Petr ; Duffy, Roisin ; Dijkstra, Frederika ; Gallardo García, Virtudes ; Goerlitz, Luise ; Enouf, Vincent ; Bennett, Charlene ; Hooiveld, Mariëtte ; Guiomar, Raquel ; Trobajo-Sanmartín, Camino ; Višekruna Vučina, Vesna ; Samuelsson Hagey, Tove ; Lameiras Azevedo, Ana Sofía ; Castilla, Jesús ; Xuereb, Gerd ; Delaere, Bénédicte ; Gómez, Verónica ; Tolksdorf, Kristin ; Bacci, Sabrina ; Nicolay, Nathalie ; Kaczmarek, Marlena ; Rose, Angela MC
DOI 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2024.29.8.2400089
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Is Part of Eurosurveillance.. Stockholm : European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC). 2024, vol. 29, iss. 8, art no. 2400089, p. [1-8].. eISSN 1560-7917
Abstract [eng] Influenza A viruses circulated in Europe from September 2023 to January 2024, with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 predominance. We provide interim 2023/24 influenza vaccine effectiveness (IVE) estimates from two European studies, covering 10 countries across primary care (EU-PC) and hospital (EU-H) settings. Interim IVE was higher against A(H1N1)pdm09 than A(H3N2): EU-PC influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 IVE was 53% (95% CI: 41 to 63) and 30% (95% CI: −3 to 54) against influenza A(H3N2). For EU-H, these were 44% (95% CI: 30 to 55) and 14% (95% CI: −32 to 43), respectively.
Published Stockholm : European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC)
Type Journal article
Language English
Publication date 2024
CC license CC license description