Title Analysis of the results and it influence factors of dynamic probing test and interrelation with cone penetration test data in Lithuanian soils /
Translation of Title Dinaminio zondavimo rezultatų ir juos įtakojančių veiksnių analizė bei sąsajos su statinio zondavimo duomenimis Lietuvos gruntuose.
Authors Žaržojus, Gintaras
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Pages 31
Keywords [eng] dynamic probing ; cone penetration test ; CPT and DPT interrelation ; Lithuanian soils
Abstract [eng] The object of the thesis is soils that occur within the territory of Lithuania and may be used as basis for building foundations. The thesis studies the interpretation of the results of Dynamic Penetration Test (DPT) and Cone Penetration Test (CPT) of soils, reliability of direct (number of blows (Nx)) and de-rivative (dynamic point resistance (qd)) DPT parameters, analyses the result influencing factors and interrelation between DPT and CPT parameters. The data analysis has been performed by means of mathematical methods of statistics, also using analytical and empirical solutions. Having examined calculation data it was determined that the indirect parameter of Dy-namic Penetration Test – dynamic point resistance (qd) should not be used due to calculation de-faults and replaced with the direct parameter – number of blows (Nx). The analysis of DPT re-sults influencing factors shows that the lateral overburden pressure together with friction of rods are those with the greatest impact on penetration data. Within the scope of the work, it has re-vealed that the number of blows (Nx) and static cone resistance (qc) are closely correlated and it depends on the grain size distribution of soil, geotechnical properties and depth of occurrence.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2010