Title RNR ir DNR specifinis žymėjimas panaudojant metiltransferazes /
Translation of Title Methyltransferases as Tools for Sequence-Specific Labeling of RNA and DNA.
Authors Tomkuvienė, Miglė
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Pages 114
Keywords [eng] DNA ; RNA ; biomolecule labeling ; methyltransferase ; click chemistry
Abstract [eng] Investigation of RNA and DNA function often requires sequence-specific incorporation of various reporter and affinity probes. This can be achieved using AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases (MTases) as they can be active with synthetic AdoMet analogues equipped with transferable chains larger than the methyl group. These chains usually carry reactive groups that can be further chemically appended with required reporters. For this, azide-alkyne 1,3-cycloaddition (AAC), also called “click”, reaction is particularly attractive. This work shows that the HhaI cytosine-5 DNA MTase (variant Q82A/Y254S/N204A) catalyzes efficient sequence-specific transfer of hex-2-ynyl side chains containing terminal alkyne or azide groups from synthetic cofactor analogues to DNA. Both the enzymatic transfer and subsequent “click” coupling of a fluorophore can be performed even in cell lysates. For RNA labeling, the activity of an archaeal RNA 2‘-O-MTase C/D ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP) with synthetic cofactors was investigated. It was shown that synthetically reprogrammed guide RNA sequences can be used to direct the C/D RNP-dependent transfer of a prop-2-ynyl group to predetermined nucleotides in substrate RNAs. Followed by AAC this can be used for programmable sequence-specific labeling of a variety of RNA substrates in vitro. These new possibilities for specific labeling of nucleic acids can be adopted in biochemistry, biomedical, nanotechnology, etc. research.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2013