Title The ideological and political aspects of the Lithuanian SSR KGB activities in 1954–1990 /
Translation of Title LSSR KGB veiklos ideologiniai ir politiniai aspektai 1954-1990 m.
Authors Burinskaitė, Kristina
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Pages 46
Keywords [eng] KGB ; LCP ; ideology ; repressions ; control
Abstract [eng] The analysis of the origins of the Lithuanian SSR KGB activity and relations with political government helps to understand this institution and does not only bring better understanding of this structure but also contributes to the knowledge of the Soviet totalitarian regime and policy in Lithuania. It is also important to show that KGB was not a secret service of the type analogous to secret services in the West, which pursued intelligence and counter-intelligence functions. Functions of soviet secret service were different from others secret services and this was also determined by specific of soviet system and aims of communist party. The main aim of the dissertation to prove that the Lithuanian SSR KGB was an institution primarily engaged in ideological and political rather than solely repressive tasks. It is also analyses impact of communist ideology and communist party on the KGB activities, by displaying its relations with the Communist party, Council of Ministers of the Lithuanian SSR, the Supreme Council of the Lithuanian SSR and the Soviet army which would lead to the conclusion on the influence of the Lithuanian SSR KGB to domestic political processes. The dissertation also attempts to enumerate and describe the fields of activity and methods of the Soviet security service that would reflect the ideological and political aspects of its activities. Dissertation is consisting of three parts. In a first part the main tendencies and changes in KGB activities after 1954 is reflected. In the second part political aspects of KGB activities are presented, that are revealed through analysis of relationship of KGB with Lithuanian communist party, Soviet Supreme, Ministry Council. In the third part is analysed how communist ideology, inner and international events influenced KGB activity and it’s changes. Also society groups that were mostly persecuted by KGB are named and analysed reasons of such exceptions. KGB methods such as repressions, prophylaxis, discredit, propaganda, and disinformation were used against anti-Soviet resistance are presented and the role of KGB in ideological censorship and control is evaluated.
Type Summaries of doctoral thesis
Language English
Publication date 2011