Title Lietuvos akademinių bibliotekų reputacijos formavimas ir valdymas /
Translation of Title Reputation formation and management for Lithuanian academic libraries.
Authors Konieczna, Jelena
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Pages 373
Keywords [eng] Image ; reputation ; communication ; stakeholders ; academic libraries
Abstract [eng] The object of the research is reputation of academic libraries. The aim of the dissertation research is to form the model of reputation formation and management for academic libraries and to specify further development of reputation formation for Lithuanian academic libraries in regard to peculiarities of communication activities of academic libraries, reputation elements and their interrelations, reputation formation and development processes, etc. Dissertation consists of three parts. The first chapter of dissertation “Corporate Communication of Academic Libraries with Stakeholders” analyzes and presents the changed functions of academic libraries, the need of libraries to know their stakeholders, seeking to act efficiently and to form confidence by communication activities. The second chapter of dissertation “Reputation Formation and Management: Main Stages of the Process” analyzes the concept of reputation and its elements, presents the concepts of identity and image as of the main elements forming the reputation and their relationship, examines the essential tools for measurement of reputation, provides the results of two empirical researches of academic libraries reputation formation. The model of reputation formation and management for academic libraries is discussed in this chapter. The third chapter of dissertation “Analysis of Reputation Management Possibilities of Academic Libraries” analyzes the third empirical research of peculiarities of reputation in academic libraries, as well as the possibilities of application of model of reputation formation and management for academic libraries in Lithuanian academic libraries. Conclusions, references and appendices are presented at the end of dissertation.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2011