Title Особенности структуры повествования в письмах: эпистолярий Марины Цветаевой /
Translation of Title Structural Peculiarities of Epistolary Narrative: Marina Tsvetajeva’s Letters.
Translation of Title Epistolinio pasakojimo struktūros ypatumai: Marinos Cvetajevos laiškai.
Authors Botkina, Natalja
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Pages 176
Keywords [eng] literariness ; paratext ; extradiegetic level
Abstract [eng] Like autobiographies, memoirs, diaries and notebooks, letters are autobiographical texts which problematize, in one way or another, the relationship between “poetry” and “truth”, i.e. fact and fiction, an issue that is examined by means of the literary conventions available to a given culture. This dissertation explores the issue of forms of literariness in autobiographical texts as based on Marina Tsvetajeva’s epistolary legacy. The corpus of correspondence includes larger blocks of writings, consisting of Tsvetajeva’s letters to N. Gaidukevitch, S. Andronikova-Galpern, A. Bachrach, A. Berg, V. Bunin, V. Bulgakov, A. Vishniak (Gelikon), N. Gronskij, R. Gul, O. Kolbasina-Tchernova, R. Lomonosova, K. Rodzevitch, V. Rudniov, V. Sosinskij, P. Suvtchinskij, A. Teskova, G. Fedotov, D. Shachovsk, and A. Shteiger.
Type Doctoral thesis
Language Russian
Publication date 2011