Title |
Vaikų sveikatos saugojimo kompetencijos ugdymas ikimokykliniame amžiuje: ugdymo kokybės aspektas / |
Translation of Title |
The development of child health protection competence in pre-school age: the aspect of quality education. |
Authors |
Kesminaitė, Indrė |
Full Text |
Pages |
74 |
Keywords [eng] |
health protection ; pre-school age ; education quality |
Abstract [eng] |
The present master thesis examines the situation of the development of child health protection competence in pre-school age and how does it correspond to the expectations of the parents. In the majority of pre-school education institutions the attention paid to the maintenance of children‘s health is scarce. It is not clear what kind of health protection competence do the educators and parents expect and if the development of children health protection competence corresponds to the expectations of the parents. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
Lithuanian |
Publication date |
2011 |