Title |
Сетевая пародия как лингвокогнитивный феномен (в контексте современного анонимного сетевого творчества) / |
Translation of Title |
Internet parody as a linguo - cognitive phenomenon (in the context of contemporary anonymous internet creative work). |
Translation of Title |
Internetinės parodijos kaip lingvokognityvinis fenomenas (šiuolaikinės anoniminės internetinės kūrybos kontekste). |
Authors |
Belovodskaja, Anastasija |
Full Text |
Pages |
290 |
Keywords [eng] |
internet parody ; anonimity ; prototext ; precedented phenomena |
Abstract [eng] |
The aim of the present research is to investigate and describe different aspects of internet parody, which is represented by multifold (combining both verbal and non-verbal codes) and verbal texts. In the course of the study discourse cognitive characteristics of contemporary anonymous parody were being compared to the analogous characteristics of the historic parody variety and means of expressing parody that are ulterior to the internet space. The mechanisms for internet parody analysis are created in the dissertation. The analysis of the text is first of all based on the identification of prototext exponents, which function as metonymical signs causing the mental representation of prototext and corresponding concepts in the recepient‘s consciousness. In the present study prototext exponents are defined as cultural signs, whose sources belong to the cultural space that embraces both the creator of a parody and the one perceiving it. By taking such an approach, by analysing cultural signs and sources-spheres they belong to, one can get the idea of the precedented texts as a whole comprising the so-called „cultural baggage“ of a particular epoch and of a particular society. |
Type |
Doctoral thesis |
Language |
Russian |
Publication date |
2012 |