Abstract [eng] |
Summary Juvenile group crimes and difficulties of their prevention Nepilnamečių grupiniai nusikaltimai ir jų prevencijos problemos This paper aims to investigate delinquency as a specific social phenomenon, providing the concept of the delinquency and identifying the specific features that are: the age of a person, group crimes committed by delinquent children, big latency of group crimes committed by the delinquent children. A group in the sense of the criminal law and criminology means that a person committing the crime is not alone. Therefore, discussion of the delinquent crime concept was based on the accessory to the crime institute. There are a lot of under-age groups’ classifications but in the criminological sense the most interesting part is nonformal under-age groups, starting from subcultures (nonformal movement of the under-age) to really small groups, there forming and existing conditions. With the rise of the delinquency the number of the delinquent group crimes was growing as well, otherwise, a reduction of the delinquency could be observed in the last few years. The problem is that the number of crimes committed by children under 14 years old is growing. Speaking about the factors that influence the under-age to participate in the group crime you cannot identify the main one. It is thought that the complex of all factors: i.e. the family, school, contemporaries, media make a precondition for such behaviour of the under-age. Analyzing the prevention of the group delinquency it is essential to pay attention to the reasons and factors that cause the delinquent criminal act. Aiming to fulfill the prevention of the delinquent group crimes more effectively it is necessary to improve legal regulation, the work of the institutions and to include those spheres of life where the favourable medium for the illegal activities of the under-age develops. |