Title The importance of arbitration in sports - practical and theoretical issues /
Translation of Title Arbitražo svarba sporte - praktiniai ir teoriniai klausimai.
Authors Kurua, Iovan
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Pages 46
Keywords [eng] Arbitration, Independence, Judge, Arbitral, Impartiality and Neutrality
Abstract [eng] Based on the topicality of the topic, the main examples of sports arbitration will be reviewed in the master thesis. The main objective is to analyze the role of arbitration in the resolution of disputes related to sports and to investigate the effectiveness of sports arbitration in maintaining fairness and integrity. The work roughly consists of six main chapters. The first chapter will review the importance of arbitration in sports. One of the chapters will be about the evolution of sports refereeing. It investigates how governing bodies, players, and sports organisations have responded to this alternative dispute-resolution method and looks at pivotal cases that have influenced the landscape of arbitration in sports. The chapter also emphasizes how international arbitration is having a bigger impact on how international sports conflicts are settled. The last chapter of the paper will deal with future challenges. The emphasis in this final chapter changes to probable future trends and difficulties for sports arbitrators. It looks at new topics including the use of technology in arbitration, how major world events affect sports dispute settlement, and how arbitration's function in resolving ethical concerns in the sports sector is developing. To explore the topic, we need a simple question that sounds like this: To what extent does the use of arbitration in sports contribute to the efficiency and fairness of dispute resolution, considering the specific needs and characteristics of the sports industry?
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024