Title Theoretical and practical issues of control of unfair commercial activity /
Translation of Title Teoriniai ir praktiniai nesąžiningos komercinės veiklos kontrolės klausimai.
Authors Huseynzade, Hijrat
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Pages 44
Keywords [eng] unfair behaviors, trademark, codes of conduct, interest of consumer
Abstract [eng] The main purpose of this study is to investigate new types of unfair commercial activities and methods of combating them when online commercial activities are formed with the development of modern information technologies. In order to achieve this goal, determining what "unfair" commercial activities are, determining the reasons that form them and different types of activities caused by these reasons, and mutually analyzing existing national and international legislative acts in this field have been identified as the main priorities. The object of the study is the social relations that regulate the factors that create the basis for the emergence of unfair commercial practices and their legal consequences.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024