Title Virtual meetings of corporate bodies /
Translation of Title Nuotoliniai bendrovės organų susirinkimai.
Authors Dehtiar, Daria
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Pages 50
Keywords [eng] virtual meetings, traditional meetings, corporate bodies, GDPR, meeting cybersecurity
Abstract [eng] The thesis explores virtual meetings of corporate bodies within the framework of international law. It examines the legal regulations and practical applications of virtual meeting formats, along with their advantages and limitations. Special attention is given to the global perspective and the harmonization of national regulations to ensure a unified approach. This research employs an integrative approach, blending legal considerations with the demands of technological progress. The findings obtained will contribute to a deeper understanding of the effectiveness and legitimacy of virtual meetings, as well as to the development of recommendations for optimizing the use of this tool in international corporate management.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024