Title Cancel culture and the freedom of expression of private companies /
Translation of Title Atmetimo kultūra ir privačių bendrovių saviraiškos laisvė.
Authors Nutsubidze, Mariami
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Pages 66
Keywords [eng] The research paper examines the nature of freedom of expression of private companies ; Particular forms of exercising this fundamental right by the private companies and interconnection with the “Cancel Culture” consequences in terms of cancelling private individuals. To specify, as much as “Cancel Culture” became actual practice in the modern world and most of the time it is connected to the actual legal consequences for “cancelled” private individuals, also, as much as big corporations and institutions might participate in the process and make some decisions regarding the unwelcomed persons, it is important to discuss whether private companies are entitled to make such decisions, on which bases and whether they can violate fundamental rights of the individuals. In that regard, paper reviews the concept of private company ; their fundamental rights ; differences with the state institutions and interconnection with the competing interests of private individuals. Paper discusses the topic based on theoretical sources and case studies. Key Words: private companies ; freedom of expression ; freedom of expression of private companies ; termination of contract ; “Cancel Culture” ; balance of competing interests.
Abstract [eng] SUMMARY Cancel Culture and the Freedom of Expression of Private Companies Mariami Nutsubidze This thesis provides in depth analysis of the correlation between “Cancel Culture”, its legal consequences for private individuals and freedom of expression of private companies. The topic itself is new and complicated, not many legal authors have examined this issue, hence, it was very important to discuss the modern, infamous phenomenon from the legal perspective and particularly, from the perspective of private companies. First and second chapters of the research briefly review the concept of the “Cancel Culture” and its connection to the one of the basic rights, freedom of expression, also difference between “cancelling” persons and censorship policy; The third chapter analyses concept of private companies, main differences from state institutions and their entitlement to exercise fundamental rights, especially freedom of expression; Fourth chapter examines the concept of freedom of expression of private companies in details, based on the interpretations of different legal systems and different court practices, special actions which might be covered by the freedom of expression and competing rights of the private individuals in that process. The fifth chapter discusses infamous “Cancel Culture” cases in light of the violations or interferences in the fundamental rights of the individuals and the role of private companies regarding that. Finally, conclusion summarizes the legal issue and expresses opinion regarding the interconnection between individuals rights on the one hand and freedom of expression on the other hand.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024