Title The legal and practical aspects of third party intervention into the icj case /
Translation of Title Trečiųjų šalių įsitraukimo į TTT bylą teisiniai ir praktiniai aspektai.
Authors Mygas, Kyryl
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Pages 76
Keywords [eng] International Court of Justice, concept of intervention, discretionary intervention, intervention as of right, legal interest, third states, amicus curiae, erga omnes obligations.
Abstract [eng] This thesis explores third-party intervention in the ICJ, examining the concept, legal framework, and dynamics. It analyzes discretionary and as-of-right intervention, delves into the status of intervening states, and addresses ongoing challenges using the Ukraine v. Russian Federation case. The study also evaluates amicus curiae, comparing its role in the ICJ and other bodies, and assesses third-party intervention in Erga Omnes violations.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024