Title 'Never again': a failed united nations' commitment or a historical possibility to suppress gravest international crimes? /
Translation of Title Niekada daugiau": Jungtinių Tautų neįvykdytas įsipareigojimas ar istorinė galimybė užkirsti kelią sunkiausiems tarptautiniams nusikaltimams?
Authors Asatiani, Ana
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Pages 64
Keywords [eng] United Nations ; R2P ; Mass Atrocities ; Intervention ; Never Again ; Prevention ; Convention
Abstract [eng] The United Nations, born from the ashes of World War II, pledged to prevent future conflicts and atrocities. While global awareness and international laws have advanced, mass atrocities still occur. The UN's preventive measures, though important, have not stopped these tragedies. This thesis examines the UN's peacekeeping efforts and their efficacy in addressing the gravest international crimes. Despite progress, mass atrocities persist despite global awareness and international legal frameworks. The UN's preventive policy, while vital, has proven insufficient. The thesis argues that UN peacekeeping mechanisms often face political hurdles, unsatisfied legal regulations, and the lack of will.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024