Title |
Gamification in mobile applications: influence of immersion, achievement and social-related features on brand loyalty / |
Translation of Title |
Žaidybinimas mobiliosiose programėlėse: įsitraukimo, pasiekimo bei socialinių elementų poveikis prekės ženklo lojalumui. |
Authors |
Liatukaitė, Marija |
Full Text |
Pages |
101 |
Keywords [eng] |
Gamification, Brand Loyalty, Mobile applications, Immersion-related features, Achievement-related features, Social-related features, Customer brand engagement, Customer satisfaction, Brand trust, Intention to use, Perceived value, Žaidybinimas, Lojalumas prekės ženklui, Vartotojų pasitenkinimas, Vartotojų įsitraukimas į prekžės ženklą, Pasitikėjimas prežės ženklu, Mobiliosios programėlės, Ketinimas naudoti |
Abstract [eng] |
The growing challenge to reach consumers has led to brands exploring new practices that strive to engage customers and cultivate strong customer relationships. As a result of that, interest in gamification usage in a marketing context has rapidly grown in the last decade. Various studies have been conducted to analyze the influence of gamification features on customer brand engagement. However, very few scholars have researched the relationship between gamification and brand loyalty, using branded mobile applications. In addition to that, the results were conflicting due to the use of different gamified products or services as well as models, illustrating various variables and relations. The main aim of this work is to examine how gamification features in mobile applications positively influence brand loyalty through customer brand engagement, customer satisfaction and other related variables. The work consists of four main parts. The first part examines scientific literature, related to gamification conceptual foundations and components of brand loyalty. In the second part the research methodology, conceptual model and hypotheses are presented. The third part investigates the quantitative research results of the online questionnaire, using correlation, multiple regression, mediation and moderation analysis. In total 201 respondents participated in the survey. The results showed a positive correlation between the three categories of gamification features and customer brand engagement, with social-related features having the highest influence on engagement. In addition to that, customer brand engagement positively affected customer satisfaction and intention to use the application. Lastly, both customer satisfaction and brand trust influenced brand loyalty. The conclusions presented in the work can be applied for digital marketing strategies in mobile applications and further gamification research studies. |
Dissertation Institution |
Vilniaus universitetas. |
Type |
Master thesis |
Language |
English |
Publication date |
2024 |