Title Paslaugų kokybės, kainų sąžiningumo, jaučiamo malonumo ir suvokiamos reputacijos įtaka klientų lojalumui internetinėse kosmetikos parduotuvėse /
Translation of Title The impact of service quality, price fairness, perceived enjoyment, and perceived reputation on customer loyalty in online cosmetic stores.
Authors Unal, Rahsan
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Pages 94
Abstract [eng] The master thesis consists of 52 pages, 14 tables, 1 figure, and 152 references. This thesis aims to analyze the intricate dynamics of customer loyalty within online cosmetic stores, with a specific focus on the nuanced relationship between cognitive and emotional drivers. The study investigates the impact of cognitive factors, such as service quality and price fairness, and emotional factors, like perceived enjoyment and perceived reputation, on direct contributors to customer loyalty. These direct factors, namely; perceived value, satisfaction, trust, and commitment, are widely recognized in the literature as crucial elements influencing the two key dimensions of loyalty; attitudinal and emotional. Through an examination of these components, this research seeks to deepen our understanding of the connections and relationships between cognitive and emotional dimensions in shaping customer loyalty within the online cosmetic industry. In order to achieve the goal of the research, this study was based on a model that was inspired by previous research. Hypotheses were tested via correlation and mediation analyses, and the data was collected via the survey method. The survey included 43 Likert statements, with a 7-point Likert scale.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024