Title Exploring the role of sustainability managers leadership in project management: a case study of lithuanian companies /
Translation of Title Tvarumo vadovų lyderystės įtaka projektų valdymui – Lietuvos įmonių atvėjo tyrimas.
Authors Kulys, Justinas
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Pages 84
Keywords [eng] Sustainability, Project Management, Leadership, Sustainable Project Management, Sustainable Leadership
Abstract [eng] VILNIUS UNIVERSITY BUSINESS SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME JUSTINAS KULYS EXPLORING THE ROLE OF SUSTAINABILITY MANAGERS LEADERSHIP IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUDY OF LITHUANIAN COMPANIES Supervisor – Dr Andrius Valickas Master’s thesis was prepared in Vilnius, 2024 Scope of Master’s thesis – 67 pages. Number of tables used in the FMT: 2 pcs. Number of figures used in the FMT: 2 pcs. Number of bibliography and references: 115. While extensive research has delved into various aspects of sustainable project management in the past, there is still a gap in research on the links between sustainability managers' leadership and project management. This thesis aims to fill this gap. This research delves into the experiences and insights of sustainability managers and their views on the influence of sustainability managers on project management and explores the role of leadership in shaping this dynamic relationship. The problem addressed is the influence of sustainability managers' leadership on project management practices. The main objective of this study is to understand how sustainability managers leadership influences project management practices by looking at the case of Lithuanian companies. Main tasks: (a) to analyse existing research, relevant articles and statistics; (b) to adapt the research methodology to meet the requirements of this study; (c) to conduct interviews with sustainability managers working in Lithuanian companies and to subsequently analyse the collected data; (d) to present the main findings of the analysis, highlighting the main ways in which sustainability managers' leadership influences project management practices in Lithuanian companies; and (e) to make recommendations to sustainability managers on how to optimise the influence of their leadership in their organisation's projects. These objectives are pursued using semi-structured interviews and narrative analysis. For this study, nine interviews were conducted with sustainability managers from Lithuanian or foreign-owned companies operating in the country. The research revealed nine thematic fields, each containing at least one narrative code based on the interviewees' thoughts. The study showed that although sustainability managers do not fundamentally change project management's theoretical and methodological aspects, they significantly impact practices by contributing to project management in organisations and influencing the products and services developed by companies. In this relationship, leadership plays an essential role in enabling the contribution of sustainability managers to project management and strengthening their influence.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024