Title Streso darbe, tarnaujančios lyderystės, suvokto organizacinio palaikymo, darbuotojų pasitenkinimo darbu ir ketinimo išeiti iš darbo sąsajos /
Translation of Title The links between job stress, servant leadership, perceived organizational support, employee job satisfaction and intention to leave the work.
Authors Granovska, Gabriela
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Pages 110
Abstract [eng] THE LINKS BETWEEN JOB STRESS, SERVANT LEADERSHIP, PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT, EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION AND INTENTION TO LEAVE THE WORK GABRIELA GRANOVSKA Master's thesis Vilnius University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Head of work Dr. Žygimantas Grakauskas Vilnius, 2024 SUMMARY 89 pages, 27 tables, 12 figures, 146 references. The aim of the final master's thesis is to analyze the impact of stress at work on job satisfaction and the impact of the manager's servant leadership and organizational support on this impact, as well as the role of job satisfaction on the impact of workplace stress on the intention to leave the workplace. The work consists of three main parts: analysis of scientific literature, research methodology and results, conclusions and proposals. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, a conceptual model of the influence of workplace stress on the intention to leave the workplace was created, according to which job satisfaction is a mediator of the influence of workplace stress on the intention to leave the workplace, and perceived organizational support and servant leadership have an effect on the relationship between workplace stress and job satisfaction. The study was conducted in the public sector. Research hypotheses were drawn up to conduct the research. A survey of public sector employees was organized to collect the data needed to test the hypotheses. A total of 392 public sector employees participated in the study. Cronbach's alpha of the internal consistency of the questionnaires used in the study ranged from 0.678 to 0.948, which shows the internal consistency of the questionnaires used in the study and the fact that the questionnaires adequately reflect the constructs under consideration. Correlational analysis was used to determine relationships, and regression, moderation, and mediation analyzes were used for influences. After analyzing the collected data, it was found that stress in the workplace has a negative impact on employee job satisfaction. It was established that perceived organizational support in the analyzed population (public sector employees) affects the impact of stress at work on employee satisfaction. Meanwhile, the line manager's servant leadership was not found to influence the effect of workplace stress on employee satisfaction. Job satisfaction is a mediator of the positive effect of workplace stress on intention to leave the workplace. This means that employees' job satisfaction weakens the positive effect of job stress on leaving the workplace (changing the workplace).
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024