Abstract [eng] |
The main purpose of this master thesis is to determine, how employee satisfaction with selection and on-boarding influence successful job embeddedness. The work consists of three main parts – the analysis of literature, the research and the discussion of its results, conclusion and recommendations. Literature analysis reviews the reasons of employee turnover, defines the concept of job embeddedness among others in scientific researches, significant advantages of job embeddedness in regard to employee turnover were underli,0ned. The significance of employee selection and on-boarding experience towards job embeddedness is discussed with reference to scientific basis. The possible influence of job embeddedness as a mediator towards employee satisfaction with selection, on-boarding and individual work performance is considered. Following literature analysis the research methods and model was formed. The purpose of the conducted research was to evaluate the significance of employee satisfaction with selection and on-boarding to successful job embeddedness, as well as job embeddedness mediation effect to employee satisfaction with selection, on-boarding and individual work performance. Online survey was conducted using questionnaires, 320 responses were submitted. Futhermore, the results of this research were compared with the results of other scientific work. The data was analysed with the IBM SPSS program batch. Cronbach‘s Alpha coefficients, factorial analysis and normality test were performed for data validation (Cronbach‘s Alpha all cases were consistent – higher than 0.7). In order to assess the differences in data, descriptive statistics were applied. Linear regression analysis (ANOVA) was performed to measure the influence between the variables. In order to examine job embeddedness mediation effect, PROCESS v4.2 by Andrew F. Hayes update on SPSS applied. The performed research revealed that employee satisfation of selection significantly influence job embeddedness through organizational fit and sacrifices. Employee satisfation of on-boarding significantly influences job embeddedness through organizational fit and links. Nevertheless employee satisfation of selection does not influence job embeddedness through organizational links, as well as employee satisfation of on-boarding does not influence job embeddedness through organizational sacrifices. The performed research revealed significant influence of job embeddedness as a mediator towards employee satisfaction of selection, on-boarding and individual work performance. The conclusions and recommendations summarize the main concepts of literature analysis as well as the results of the performed research. The results of the study could provide usefull guidelines to the companies management to improve employee experiences of selection and on-boarding processes. |