Title Įtraukiančios ir verslumą skatinančios lyderystės įtaka darbuotojų novatoriškam elgesiui dirbant saugioje psichologinėje aplinkoje ir medijuojant psichologiniam įgalinimui /
Translation of Title The impact of inclusive and entrepreneurial leadership on the employee innovative behaviour while working in safe psychological environment and mediating psychological empowerment.
Authors Puslytė, Greta
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Pages 102
Abstract [eng] The main goal of this master's thesis is to determine the impact of inclusive and entrepreneurial leadership on the employee innovative behaviour while working in safe psychological environment and mediating psychological empowerment. The master's final thesis consists of: introduction, 3 main parts of the final thesis: theoretical work analysis, methodological part of the research, presentation of research results. Also conclusions and proposals, bibliography, summary. In the theoretical analysis, the author revealed the concepts of inclusive leadership, entrepreneurial leadership, psychological empowerment and safe psychological environment presented in the scientific literature. In the theoretical analysis, the author presented inclusive and entrepreneurial leadership styles, the relationship between psychological empowerment and safe psychological environment with leadership. In the methodological part of the research, the author presents the research model, research hypotheses, research instrument and research sample. It was determined that to conduct the research, it is necessary to gather at least 220 respondents to evaluate the results of the research. 78 After performing the theoretical analysis and presenting the research methodology, the author conducted the research. 223 respondents participated in the study. The collected data were statistically processed with the SPSS program package. In the part of the research results, the author performed a test for determining the normality of the research data, which showed that the data are parametric, and also presented reliability tests of the constructs. The results of the study revealed that entrepreneurial leadership and inclusive leadership have a statistically significant influence on the innovative behaviour of employees. It has been found that the greater the entrepreneurial leadership or inclusive leadership, the greater the innovative behaviour at work. During the study, 2 moderating relationships out of 4 were confirmed. However, one of them works in the opposite way. The author's calculations confirm that a safe psychological environment moderates the influence of inclusive leadership on innovative behaviour at work and moderates the relationship between the mediator's psychological empowerment and innovative behaviour at work in the same model. The mediator confirmed during the research is psychological empowerment for the relationship between inclusive leadership and innovative behaviour at work, as well as for the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and innovative behaviour at work. Based on the limitations of the research, the author suggests that, in future research of this kind, employees of organizations in one field of activity should be selected so that more detailed insights can be gained regarding their innovative behaviour at work, other less researched leadership styles should be chosen in the research, determining the connection with innovative behaviour at work, as well as investigating, how inclusive or entrepreneurial leadership affects the innovative behaviour of employees when they work remotely, hybrid, and fully from an organizational location, determining what makes the difference. Also, while studying the impact of the chosen leadership on innovative behaviour at work, to assess the influence of personal characteristics of employees, locus of control, on the relationship.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024