Title The impact of consumer skepticism and dispositional trust on attitudes toward display advertising and purchase intentions /
Translation of Title Vartotojų skeptiškumo ir dispozicinio pasitikėjimo poveikis požiūriui į ekraninę reklamą ir ketinimui pirkti.
Authors Londaridze, Davit
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Pages 111
Keywords [eng] consumer skepticism, dispositional trust, attitudes, display advertising, purchase intentions vartotojų skepticizmas, nusiteikęs pasitikėjimas, požiūriai, vaizdo reklama, pirkimo ketinimai
Abstract [eng] This thesis employs a quantitative analysis to explore the intricate dynamics of consumer skepticism, dispositional trust, attitudes toward display advertising, and purchase intentions. In a landscape characterized by information overload, understanding how individuals engage with display advertising is vital for marketers. Focusing exclusively on quantitative surveys, the research provides a statistically robust examination of the factors influencing consumer behavior in this context. The findings contribute to advertising strategies, offering evidence-based insights in an environment where consumer trust plays a pivotal role. This study establishes a foundation for future quantitative research in consumer behavior, advertising psychology, and digital marketing, aiming to empower marketers with data-driven guidance to optimize campaigns and foster stronger connections with their target audiences.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024