Title The impact of country of origin on consumer's purchase intention of organic fruits and vegetables /
Translation of Title Kilmės šalies poveikis vartotojo ketinimui pirkti ekologiškus vaisius ir daržoves.
Authors Zhao, Tianze
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Pages 78
Keywords [eng] Country of origin, Purchase intention, Organic fruits and vegetables
Abstract [eng] Consumers believe that organic fruits and vegetables are healthier, better quality, more natural and more environmentally friendly than traditional fruits and vegetables or non-organic fruits and vegetables. With the continued development of organic fruits and vegetables and even the entire organic food industry, academic research on consumer purchasing behavior and organic fruits and vegetables has played an important role in the development of the industry. This study aims to determine and elucidate the impact of the country of origin on consumers' purchase intentions regarding organic fruits and vegetables. Targeting the Chinese market and Australian organic fruits and vegetables, survey data were collected from 281 consumers of organic fruits and vegetables in China. Use independent samples T test, linear regression analysis, and One-way ANOVA test to analyze the collected data.This study confirms that country-of-origin factors, including perceived safety and quality, economic development and technological achievements, cultural norms and social norms, price, accessibility and awareness of organic standards, influence consumer purchase intentions towards organic fruits and vegetables. .These findings can help Australian organic fruit and vegetable marketers design strategies on how to succeed in the Chinese organic fruit and vegetable market.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2024