Abstract [eng] |
1. SUMMARY Skripkina S., Evaluation of the emotional status of the nurses from mental health institutions, magistracy final work of nursing, scientific guide Reader is E.Laurinaitis. He is the supervisor tutor of the university of Vilnius, medical faculty, internal diseases and nursing department, 2006, Vilnius. Depression and anxiety are mostuly found in mental derangements. At the same time in the world of the high depressive ilness are ill 5-9 per cent of women and with anxiety about 25 per cent of inhabitans . The medical‘s profession is not exception to ill with depression and anxiety, especially when they work with mentally persons. These people often are ill with depressions, they commit suicide and become dependet on alcohol. In Lithuania it is trying to suppress or absolutely don’t talk about this failures, what has happen to medical’s men. The aim of this research is to evaluate the emotional status of the nurses in mental health institutions. There are raised this tasks: 1. By using the HAD scale Hospital Anxiety and Depression) to evaluate anxiety and depressions existence before and after holidays and to analyse the situation of these derangements according to the age, family status and children. 2. To evaluate influence of length of service, load of work and having supplementary work on display of anxiety and depression. 3. To compare results of the HAD scale and the accordance of subjective feeling appreciation. 4. To make a connection between evaluation of holidays and level of anxiety and depression. The object of research is the emotional status of the nurses in mental health institutions. Doing inquest, it was used by questionnaire with 21 questions and the HAD scale. In research time were asked nurses from mental health institutions. The facts of research were amended by SPSS 8,0 for Windows program. Anxiety and depression often display after holidays between divorced (anxiety) and married (depression) nurses. Mostly the display of these derangements are after holiday and it is connected with≤1 staff of work’s load and with length of service from 0 to 19 years. The subjective psychological status evaluation does not conform the results of the HAD scale. The worst nurses evaluate summer holidays , the bigger per cent of them has a big probability to have higher level of anxiety. |