Abstract [eng] |
The data about the quality of services bring the attention of those who provide health services to the interests of patients, their demands and perception of treatment. They are useful while planning programmes, evaluating and estimating fields which should be improved. They are also the indicators of low quality services and their improvement. The aim of my work is to clarify the quality of the services provided in the public institution – the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of Kaunas University of Medicine Hospital, to analyse the existing conceptions of the systems of the healthcare quality, to make inquiries of the staff and patients and to compare the received results, to make the recommendations for improving the quality of the work and services. The object of my research is Kaunas University of Medicine Hospital – one of the largest medical institutions in Lithuania, providing the people of Kaunas and the whole Lithuania with the specialized services of health care of the highest qualification . The research was fulfilled in 2005. The size of the work are … pages, there are …. tables and …. figures. The close research of the work of the institutions very often reveal the inadequacy of the declared values and the everyday practical work. While fulfilling the ethical audit the everyday working activities and the basic values, the policy of ethics, the systems of management and the expectations of shareholders, staff, providers, customers and local community are compared. The differences between the staff and patients inquiry results prove that in order to get the most thorough information a versatile research is needed, and one should not pay attention only to the research of patients point of view. The information collected from more than one source allows to get more objective data about the quality of services and reduce the risk of the possible distortion of the situation. |