Title Vakarų šalių knygų produkcija Vilniaus knygynuose /
Translation of Title Books production of western countries in vilnius bookstores.
Authors Rudytė, Živilė
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Pages 70
Abstract [eng] BOOKS PRODUCTION OF WESTERN COUNTRIES IN VILNIUS BOOKSTORES (SUMMARY) Živilė Rudytė Never before in Lithuania the international book selling phenomenon or related theme was analysed. Processes of globalisation and wide use of english – language in the world had changed the profile of book publishing and book selling at all. The biggest publishers companies became interesting not just in local market but became orienting for other export markets. English – language publisher‘s export continue to make a significant contributiosn to major book markets worldwide. The object of the master‘s work is the supply of Western books in Vilnius bookstores. The purpose is to estimate if Westerns countries books production (quantitative and qualitative aspect) would fulfil books demand and book selling tendencies in the future of Lithuania. Work tasks are to part international book selling tendencies, to do export books market analysis, to single out bookstores trading singularity, to give reliable the importations books sales layouts and possible solutions, which would increase books sales. By using theorical methods: comparative method, the method of generalization, the analysis of literature an other repositories and empirical methods: the analysis of documents, the method of observation, the method of typology, deep interview, consumer questionnaire. The following results were achieved that the importations books from Westers countries do not fulfil all types of books demand in Lithuania. Book sellers still narrow cognitive, entertaining, English Learning Teaching or business (marketing, reclame, investment, management) books supply. Is still appreciable large lack of scientific proffesional publications.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009