Title Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, turinčių kalbos raidos sutrikimų, fonologinio suvokimo gebėjimai /
Translation of Title Phonological awareness skills of preschool children with developmental language disorder.
Authors Ladukienė, Auksė
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Pages 80
Abstract [eng] Relevance of the study. In the international context, phonological awareness has been studied at the scientific level in various aspects, but in the national context, relatively few publications on phonological awareness at the non-theoretical level have been found. In Lithuania, there is a particular lack of empirical research on the phonological awareness skills of pre-school children with developmental language disorder. What are the strengths and difficulties of phonological awareness skills of pre-school children with developmental language disorder across different linguistic units? What are the strengths and weaknesses in phonological awareness skills? The subject is the phonological awareness skills of pre-school children with developmental language disorder. The aim of the study is to reveal the phonological awareness skills of pre-school children with developmental language disorder. Objectives: 1. To examine the classification of language disorders in national and international contexts and the concept of developmental language disorder based on the analysis of scientific literature. 2. To analyze the theoretical concept of phonological awareness, the peculiarities of the assessment of phonological awareness skills, based on the analysis of scientific literature. 3. To assess the phonological awareness abilities of pre-school children with developmental language disorder at the word, syllable, rhyme and phoneme levels. 4. To highlight the strengths and weaknesses of phonological awareness skills of pre-school children with developmental language disorder. Research methodology, methods, sample. The research approach was chosen qualitative, a case study strategy based on information processing theory. Methods used: theoretical (analysis of scientific literature); empirical (case study: document analysis, testing, qualitative and quantitative content analysis). The study sample was drawn using purposive criterion sampling. The participants were 8 pre-school children with moderate developmental language disorder. The results of the research. Six-year-olds with developmental language disorder have unique phonological awareness abilities at the word, syllable, rhyme and phoneme levels. It was observed that the strongest areas of phonological awareness abilities were developed abilities at the word and syllable levels, while weak areas emerged at the rhyme and phoneme levels. The strengths in phonological awareness are related to pre-existing phonological awareness skills, while the weaknesses are related to tasks that require more complex phonological awareness skills. Keywords: pre-school age, developmental language disorder, phonological awareness.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024