Title Išlaidų aukštajam mokslui lemiančių veiksnių vertinimas ES šalyse /
Translation of Title Assessment of determining factors of expenditure on higher education in eu countries.
Authors Macaitytė, Agnė
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Pages 74
Abstract [eng] The master's thesis examines factors which determine the expenditure on higher education in countries of the European Union (further on - EU). The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the factors that determine expenditure on higher education from a theoretical perspective and to perform an assessment of the factors that determine expenditure on higher education in EU countries. The first part presents an analysis of funding sources for higher education, main indicators and funding models from a theoretical perspective. An analysis of scientific literature and conducted research is carried out in order to identify the factors that distinguish the expenditure on higher education. The second part of the master thesis presents the methodology for evaluating the factors that determine expenditure on higher education. The evaluation model of the factors which determine the expenditure on higher education is discussed, the stages of creating the model are detailed: research sample and period, justification of research factors and their reflecting indicators, formulation of research hypotheses and creation of the model, discussion of research stages and the methods which were used in them, identification of the limitations of the research. In the third part of the work, a dynamic analysis of the expenditure on higher education from the gross domestic product (further referred to as GDP) share and the number of enrolled students in EU countries in the period of 2012-2021 is carried out. According to the created model, the assessment of the factors determining the expenditure on higher education in EU countries is carried out. Furthermore, the research is carried out by applying the "matching" method, which lets to look for similarities between EU countries according to the share of GDP allocated to higher education. The obtained results denied that as the GDP per capita increases, higher education expenses increase as well. However, the research confirmed that the factors that determine the amount of higher education expenses are not similar in countries that allocate a similar share of higher education expenses from GDP.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024