Title Maksimalaus srauto tinkle algoritmo taikymas ištrūkimo uždaviniams spręsti /
Translation of Title Maximum flow network algorithm for solving outage problems.
Authors Siniavska, Lilija
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Pages 67
Abstract [eng] In todays fast pace environment we can feel frequent changes in our family, education, social, etc. Environments. Our first year pupils are already challenged with excess information, or how to deal with hefty tasks. Supposingly first year school children are starting school to learn some sort of social, educational, and problem solving skills, however most likely, they are already required to know at least basics of it, as certain ‚life quests‘ start to uncover. While growing pupils are required to start separating appropriate information, to get useful practical knowledge. As for information being everything and everywhere, and being available most of the time, IT starts from first steps at school. Despite the fact that it has been tried to teach practical IT application from available text books at school, even in senior class it is still believed that the main reason of learning as well as using IT is for the purpose of gaming or other pleasure activities. According to recent research, 80% off 5-8 grade students would love to become IT specialists, however looking deeper into it, school-children show near to no understanding what it is like to be an IT specialist. For all these reasons, our day society teachers themselves are forced to acquire not only basic knowledge of IT, but to look for available alternative teaching methods, like integrating gaming into todays lessons. And ofcourse for such reason, deeper analysis and understanding of gaming society has to be looked into. In the first part of the research it is looked at purpose and methods of the research; tasks and actuality of the work. In IT we hear a lot. about max flow networks, algorithms or optimisation methods. In the second part of the research we will try to look what it actualy is, analysing most recent literature. And last but not least, third part of the research is all about games, algorythms for creating apps, made of using video games creation algorythms. And finaly gaming, math and leasure activity app codes are being developed, including research conclusions and insights.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024