Title JavaScript serverio technologinių sprendimų posistemių našumo tyrimas /
Translation of Title JavaScript server-side technological solution subsystems performance research.
Authors Molis, Džiugas
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Pages 72
Abstract [eng] In many cases, developers choose the most popular technologies to develop products or solve problems, but this is not always the best choice because as technologies improve, better solutions emerge, but due to their lower popularity they are not used. JavaScript is the most popular programming language used in web pages and the availability of JavaScript on the server side has made the work of software development easier and faster because with one programming language a professional can do all the work on the server and client side architecture without being limited to a single part. When the first JavaScript server runtime Node.js appeared, it was easy to choose a runtime because of the small number of available ones but over time developers are creating a variety of new technologies - JavaScript runtimes are no exception. The goal of new technologies is to outperform the market leaders and offer a technology with better performance. This paper analyses: • Node.js - the very first JavaScript server runtime • Deno - Node.js developer's second attempt to build a better JavaScript server runtime with fixed Node.js design flaws and improved architecture • Bun.js - an runtime environment that the developers claim is the most efficient and fastest JavaScript server runtime environment that integrates "all" the necessary tools. The work included an overview of the capabilities of the JavaScript programming language. After the overview of the capabilities, most popular runtime environments were selected and a literature analysis of these runtime environments was performed. The literature analysis led to the selection of the runtime environments to be analysed and the description of the criteria, the evaluation of the technologies according to the criteria, and their comparison. An experimental performance study was also carried out using a pre-designed model, measuring the performance results and comparing them. These steps of the study were carried out to determine which JavaScript execution environment has the best performance.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2024