Title Lignino atliekų pritaikymas naftos produktų sorbcijai ir degradacijai /
Translation of Title Application of lignin waste for oil products sorption and degradation.
Authors Eidikonis, Vytautas
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Pages 47
Abstract [eng] This study investigates the sorption capacity of lignin waste for oil products and the possibility of their application for biological cleaning the environment from oil pollutants. We determined that hydrolyzed lignin showed sorption capacity for various oil products, and there was no toxic effect on oil – degrading Arthrobacter sp. N3 strain. The results indicated that hydrolyzed lignin enhanced the biodegradation of diesel oil in clay and sand. Either the observes demonstrated that white clovers (Trifolium repens L.) was able to grew in soil polluted with diesel oil at concentration of 2 % and increased the level of biological clean up from oil pollutants. The complex technology of soil cleaning by using of hydrolyzed lignin, oil – degrading Arthrobacter sp. N3 strain and white clovers (Trifolium repens L.) was created at laboratory conditions. At the first stage, biodegradation of diesel oil was applied using Arthrobacter sp. N3 strain and hydrolyzed lignin, soil clean up level was 80,3 – 59,6 % after 9 weeks. At the second stage, white clovers (Trifolium repens L.) was used additional, the concentration of diesel oil decreased to the permitted level after 13 weeks. This technology of soil cleaning may be successful use for treatment of soil polluted by oil contaminants.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009