Title Žinių valdymo vertinimas tarptautinėse kompanijose (jų filialuose) /
Translation of Title The evaluation of knowledge management in international companies (their branches).
Authors Rusinavičiūtė, Laura
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Pages 81
Abstract [eng] The evaluation of knowledge management in international companies (their branches) Recently in management literature great attention is paid to knowledge management processes, knowledge is seen as a strategic asset and a primary resource of the international company’s competitive advantage. On the one hand, this is new and very popular term, coined not long ago and appearing in most prestigious publications on management. On the other hand, researchers working in the field agree, that currently there are no exact theoretical definitions and epistemologies for knowledge management. The goal of this graduation paper – to analyze the knowledge management in international companies, their branches. For this purpose the following tasks were formulated – to present and systematize the theories of knowledge management, to determine and define the specific of knowledge management in international companies in the framework of these theories, to construt the methodic of research and theoretical model of research, to perform the research of the knowledge management in international companies which have subsidaries in Lithuania. The main focus is set on knowledge transfer and management processes in foreign owned subsidaries in Lithuania. The research findings were related to the existing knowledge management theories. This graduation paper consists of three parts – the first one includes the conception of knowledge and its management, the basic ideas and concepts, used in the work, there are also presented, and marked the points of reference concerning the knowledge management in international companies. The methods of research are given in the second part, as well as the description of research; the theoretical model of research and the results of research are submitted here, too. In the third part the results of research are being analyzed, the observed tendencies and factors are accentuated.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2009