Title Asmens duomenų perdavimas į trečiąsias valstybes: praktika ir problematika /
Translation of Title Transfer of personal data to third countries: practice and problems.
Authors Vilkaitė, Miglė
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Pages 49
Abstract [eng] This master's thesis examines the concept, significance and issues of data transfer to a third party. In order to ensure the relevance of the work and the quality of the analysis, the topic is examined at three levels. The first level analyzes the concept and meaning of free movement of data, data transfer and third party. By analyzing the sources, the main concepts, concepts and principles are analyzed and determined. The second level includes a detailed analysis of data transfer methods, separating them into a separate section. The work established that the methods of data transfer are: transfer of personal data according to the decision on eligibility; transfer of personal data subject to appropriate safeguards and transfer of personal data subject to derogations. When analyzing and describing each of these data transmission mechanisms, their shortcomings and other problems are also identified. After the aforementioned analysis, the paper reviews the advantages and disadvantages of the data transfer methods specified in Chapter V of the GDPR.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023