Abstract [eng] |
During the last several years a rapid growth of economy in Lithuania has fostered enterprises to expand business, invest in new fields of work, search for new markets and possibilities for development. On the other hand, the growing competitive struggle determines that only the strongest enterprises and those which are able to use their resources and potential in the most effective way can remain in the market. One of the most difficult aspects of business policy implementation is the the establishment and maintenance of an enterprise’s good reputation. However, not all the enterprises are concerned about their reputation, there are such enterprises which do not pay any attention to the way their customers, consumers and partners rate them. In Lithuania most of the transport enterprises do not pay sufficient attention to their own reputation; therefore, the thesis analyses the reputation of the transport enterprises as a factor of an enterprise copmpetitiveness. The object of the master thesis – ten Lithuanian transport enterprises, which have been selected randomly. The purpose of the thesis – to analyse the reputation of an enterprise as a factor of competitiveness. The goals of the thesis are the following: to conduct a study of Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature sources and to present the importance of an enterprise’s reputation in order to reveal its competitive superiority; to analyze the preconditions of an enterprise’s reputation establishment choosing the right sector, i.e. to present the preconditions of an enterprise’s reputation establishment; to provide suggestions on how to improve the reputation of transport enterprises in order to achieve success in competitive environment. The following methods of research have been used in the master thesis: theoretical study based on Lithuanian and foreign scientists’ studies and their conclusions; a study of secondary sources of information; the method of a questionnaire; data grouping and comparing. According to the questionnaire, it has been observed that for most of the transport enterprises’ managers the reputation is important as it determines a successful development of the enterprise. The reputation is important for the customers who choose the enterprise. On the whole, both, managers and customers realize that the main criterion which enables to survive in a competitive struggle is the organisation culture which influences the service, the quality of the services and a reasonable price. |