Title The role of public communication campaigns in mobilizing support for ukraine in the usa in terms of the russo-ukrainian war 2022: the case of ukrainian society of eastern iowa /
Translation of Title Visuomenės informavimo kampanijų vaidmuo siekiant sutelkti paramą Ukrainai Jungtinėse Amerikos Valstijose Rusijos ir Ukrainos karo metu: Rytų Ajovos Ukrainiečių bendruomenės atvejis.
Authors Slyvka, Viktoriia
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Pages 85
Keywords [eng] public communication campaigns, communication strategy, NGO, war/armed conflict, resource mobilization
Abstract [eng] NGOs are compelling actors in the matter of mediating war-related issues to the world public. Due to the lack of qualitative research in the field of NGO strategic war-related communication, and, in particular, on the role of public communication campaigning in NGO communication strategy, this master thesis examines the role public communication campaigns play in the communication strategy of USEI, a non-profit organization registered on August 22, 2022 in Iowa, USA, that operates to mobilize humanitarian and financial support for Ukraine after the breakout of the Russo-Ukrainian War 2022. Based on the participant observation, one-on-one interviewing, and content analysis of organizational and web materials, this master thesis investigates strategic approaches and tactical decisions applied in launching and running public communication campaigns that started as a reply to the Russo-Ukrainian war (2022). The master thesis grounds its findings on communication theories of J. Moreno (1930), Dearing (2001), Dozier et. al. (2001), Dervin and Frennette (2001), Dijkzeul and Moke (2005), and Rice and Atkin (2009).
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2023