Title Moterų, kurių intymus partneris vartoja psichoaktyvias medžiagas, patiriamas smurtas, psichikos sveikata ir pagalbos siekis /
Translation of Title Violence, mental health and help-seeking among women whose intimate partner uses psychoactive substances.
Authors Kumpiniauskaitė, Brigita
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Pages 70
Abstract [eng] The majority of victims of domestic violence are women who experience violence from their intimate partners. Exposure to violence can have physical, psychological and social consequences that can last a lifetime. The purpose of this study is to find out the correlations between the violence experienced, its assessment, mental health and help seeking among women whose intimate partner uses psychoactive substances. It involved 112 women who have experienced violence from current or former intimate partners who use or have used psychoactive substances. Their mean age was 32.28 (SD=1.04). The study used a questionnaire specially designed for the study, the WHO-5 Well-being index, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale-7, the Abusive Behavior Inventory and the Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scale. Correlations, mean comparisons, comparison of proportions and regressions were used for data analysis. The results showed that the violence experienced by these women was related to their own and their partner's use of psychoactive substances, the physical violence experienced was related to the severity of anxiety symptoms, and the most common reason for not seeking help was shame. The study also found that attitudes toward violence are important in experiencing intimate partner violence. This should be taken into account when trying to reduce the occurrence of intimate partner violence and help its victims.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023