Title Visuomenės požiūrio į gydymą antidepresantais tyrimas /
Translation of Title Study of public attitudes towards antidepressant treatment.
Authors Planutis, Ignas
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Pages 24
Abstract [eng] Studies show that pre-existing beliefs about antidepressants and public stigma attached to mental health can play an important role in not taking this medication or taking it not as prescribed. Good adherence to antidepressant treatment is important to improve therapeutic outcomes and to avoid relapse in patients suffering from depression. Aim of the study: to analyse beliefs about antidepressant treatment among participants of this study and to determine if there is relationship between these beliefs and sociodemographic characteristics of the participants, beliefs about depression, having personal history of antidepressant use, duration of depression. Material and methods: people in popular social network Facebook groups in Lithuania were asked to fill out anonymous online questionnaire. The participants had to rate how they agree with provided statements about antidepressant treatment using 5-point Likert scale. Participants were also asked to rate on the scale from 1 to 10 how anxious they would feel about possibility of having frequent side effects listed on drug package leaflet. At the end of the survey participants were asked to write their opinion about antidepressants in a free-form text field. 473 filled out questionnaires were received. Results: 40.6% participants of this study strongly agreed with the statement that using antidepressants is an effective way to relieve symptoms of depression, and only 3.2% strongly agreed that treatment with these drugs causes irreversible side effects on the body. Participants with higher education and living in big cities of Lithuania were statistically significantly more likely to agree with the statement that the benefits of antidepressant treatment outweigh the possible harm or side effects of these drugs. Conclusions: majority of participants of this study believe that antidepressants are effective and that the benefits of using these drugs outweigh the potential risks. When prescribing antidepressants to a patient it is important to create cooperative doctor-patient relationship with follow-up appointments, to provide information about the drug and to discuss what to do if any side effects happen.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language Lithuanian
Publication date 2023