Title The significance of parents' role in children's internet use habits /
Translation of Title Tėvų vaidmens reikšmė vaikų naudojimosi internetu įpročiams.
Authors Jaselskytė, Julija
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Pages 46
Keywords [eng] Raktiniai žodžiai: Kompulsyvus interneto naudojimas, Probleminis interneto naudojimas, Auklėjimo praktika, Auklėjimo stilius, Elgesio priklausomybės. Key words: Compulsive internet use, Problematic internet use, Parenting practices, Parenting style, Behavioral addictions.
Abstract [eng] The data used for this study was conducted by Vilnius University researchers for a project “School-aged Children’s Internet Use in Relation to Socioemotional Development and Parenting Practices in Latvia, Lithuania and Taiwan: A Longitudinal Study”. Participants were school-aged children (ages 8 – 10) together with their parents, in total there were 206 parent-child dyads (N = 412). With the internet being a big part of children’s lives and the rapid growth in technology, media, and internet use, parents might play a major role in the way children will use digital technology and how they will behave online, whether they will be more likely to develop compulsive internet use or not. This particular research explored the relationships between parenting practices and children’s time spent online, activities on the internet and compulsive internet use. Parents were grouped into five different parenting clusters based on their parenting practices, children were put into four clusters based on their behavior online. The purpose of the analysis was to determine the significance of parents' role in children's internet use habits, mainly, which parenting style would correlate with children's online behavior. Significant correlations were found between parenting practices and children’s online activities, internet time, and compulsive internet use. Also, children with parents who adapted a more accepting and warm parenting style had lower scores on the compulsive internet use scale as opposed to parents with colder and more demanding parenting styles, whose children scored higher on the compulsive internet use scale. Lastly, no significant relationships were found between parents’ and children’s clusters.
Dissertation Institution Vilniaus universitetas.
Type Master thesis
Language English
Publication date 2023